Our aim is to provide Digital Support for Professionals.
Our Services:
- Fully Digital Vertical dimension analysis
- Digital 3D cephalometry planning the way you prefer
- Bone supported surgical guide (printed bone model included)
- Tissue supported (Mucosa support) surgical guide (with a possibility of printing cast, not a must )
- Tooth supported surgical guide (with a possibility of printing cast (not a must )
- Ortognatic fully digital analysis
- Ortognatic surgery guides and splints
- Ortognatic BSSO (bi-sagital split osteotomy ) surgical guide
- Lefort guided surgery (cutting guides + sub apical osteotomy)
- Fibula grafting guided surgery
- Bone mapping guided surgery
- Genioplasty cutting surgery guides and plates
- Sinus lift guided surgery
- GBR (guided bone regeneration) guided surgery for autograft (khoury technique, customised as required)
- GTR (guided tissue regeneration) surgery
- Maxillofacial guided surgery, Genioplasty Analysis guided surgery
- Implant guided surgery (98% covering all the implant brands) based on the BEST prosthetic position. (Vertical dimension based)
- Patient Scannig
- printing of your surgery guide
If you want to learn more please contact us at
Fully Digital Vertical Dimension Analysis

Digital 3D cephalometry planning the way you prefer

Bone supported surgical guide

Tissue supported (Mucosa support) surgical guide

Tooth supported surgical guide

Ortognatic fully digital analysis

Ortognatic surgery guides and splints

Ortognatic BSSO (bi-sagital split osteotomy ) surgical guide

Lefort guided surgery (cutting guides + sub apical osteotomy)

Fibula grafting guided surgery

Bone mapping guided surgery

Genioplasty cutting surgery guides and plates

Sinus lift guided surgery

GBR (guided bone regeneration) guided surgery for autograft (khoury technique, customised as required)

GTR (guided tissue regeneration) surgery

Patient Scannig